Press Advisory: Russian and U.S.
Leaders Unite to Avert
Collapse of Bering Sea Ecosystem
July 29, 2003
For more information
Catriona Glazebrook, Executive Director and Forum Member, Tel: 510/251-8800
x301; [email protected]
Rory Cox, Communications Coordinator, Tel: 510/251-8800 x302; [email protected]
Telephone Press Conference: Tuesday,
August 5, at 10 AM Pacific Time
The conference will feature Forum spokespeople Catriona Glazebrook,
Larry Merculieff, Walter Parker, and Xanthippe Augerot. To reserve
a space on the call, please contact Rory Cox (above).
Oakland, CA – Citing an impending
environmental crisis in the Bering Sea from overfishing, climate
change, and lack of international cooperation, marine experts from
the U.S. and Russia are coming together to tackle the tough issues
they say have been neglected by government agencies. Ushering in
a new era of international cooperation to protect one of the world’s
most important marine ecosystems, these leaders will announce the
initiation of the International Bering Sea Forum on August 5, 2003.
The first of its kind, the International Bering Sea
Forum is made up of over 30 international citizens representing
indigenous peoples, family fishermen, scientists, government officials
and environmentalists from both countries. Members of the Forum
will work together to pro-actively advocate for sustainable management
of the Bering Sea area and foster greater international cooperation.
The Forum is a civil society initiative to address the lack of serious
international conservation measures.
“The political boundaries of the Bering
are irrelevant to the fish, birds, mammals, and other creatures
that call the Bering home,” said Catriona Glazebrook, Forum
member and Director of Pacific Environment, a U.S.-based non-profit
organization, “Yet the Bering ecosystem is being managed by
two countries who don’t always see beyond their own national
interests or their national borders.”
The Forum will use both scientific data as well as
traditional native knowledge to base its determinations. The Forum
will take stands and issue resolutions in order to urge their respective
governments to manage the Bering more holistically, more cooperatively,
and with future generations in mind.
According to Forum member Larry Merculieff, who is
the coordinator for the Bering Sea Council of Elders, “Real
Native involvement in management of the Bering has been marginal
at best on both sides of the Bering. With this Forum, we will bring
the knowledge and wisdom of native peoples into the dialogue. We
have generations of first-hand knowledge of the Bering, and we are
the first ones to feel it when things go wrong.”
One of the first initiatives the Forum is launching
will be an independent indigenous network powered by indigenous
leaders from Russia and the US. Requests for proposals for ideas
for shaping this international network will be sought in the Fall
of 2003. Pacific Environment will be offering $10,000 to support
this initial effort.
Issues in the Bering
A geo-political and biological hot spot between Alaska and Russia,
the Bering Sea is one of the world’s most important marine
ecosystems. Besides being a source of over half of the U.S. fish
supply, the North Pacific-Bering Sea region has unusually high amounts
of marine life. In spite of the extreme importance of this region
biologically and as the “fish basket” for the United
States, overfishing, along with increasing pollution and changing
weather and current patterns, has some worried that the Bering may
be collapsing.
Among the present victims are marine mammals, such
as whales, dolphins, porpoises, and Steller’s sea lions, as
well as other sea animals such as sea turtles and sea birds. Scientists
note that the increasing takeover of jellyfish in parts of the Bering
indicates a crashing ecosystem.
History of International Management of the
Mutual recognition of the need to cooperatively address these problems
was first proposed in 1988 during the Reagan-Gorbachev summit meeting
in Moscow. Two years later, Presidents Bush and Gorbachev issued
a joint statement calling for urgent conservation measures to be
taken. And in 1993, Presidents Clinton and Yeltsin, announced their
intention to improve environmental protection. These efforts created
the "Convention on the Conservation and Management of Pollock
Resources in the Central Bering Sea", which was signed in 1994
by China, South Korea, Russia, the U.S., Japan and Poland.
While the Convention has made some important first
steps in international management of the “Donut Hole,”
an area of the Bering that is in international waters, it has fallen
short of providing the needed emphasis on international cooperation
and local participation. It has been shadowed by marine boundary
disputes between countries, illegal fishing, and, on the US side,
a management regime that is highly influenced by major US fishing
industry interests.
For a press packet, or to reserve a place on
the August 5 telephone press conference, please contact Rory Cox
at 510/251-8800 x302, or [email protected].